What is Chosen Family in the LGBTQ+ Community?
Perhaps you had an “auntie” growing up who wasn’t biologically related to you or your grandparents had a “cousin” who was really just their best friend for as long as you can remember. These …
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Perhaps you had an “auntie” growing up who wasn’t biologically related to you or your grandparents had a “cousin” who was really just their best friend for as long as you can remember. These …
Drag queens are prominent LGBTQ+ figures both within the queer community and outside of it. In fact, over the last fifteen years drag culture has notably come into mainstream media largely thanks …
There are still many words and expressions that have not been included, such as LGBT, transgender, cruising, gay scene, to come out of the closet, outing, bullying, civil union, cohabitation, …
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